Definition, origins and observations
Morgellons were first discovered around the year 2000, when people reported to suffer from skin lesions, and from these lesions grew filaments or fibers. The condition is called Morgellons disease or Morgellons syndrome.

Independent scientists have been studying the phenomenon and this is what they discovered.
- Morgellons fibers are synthetic biology.
- The fibers are able to grow inside and outside the body.
- The fibers are present in air, water and soil because airplanes are dumping aerosols that contain Morgellons materials into the atmosphere also known as stratospheric aerosol injections.
- Some fibers are virtually indestructible: acids won’t dissolve them and a Bunsen burner can’t vaporize them.
- Desiccated (freeze-dried) blood cells have been found inside some of the fibers (Carnicom).
- Everybody and everything is infected with this synthetic life form or technology.
- Only people that react more strongly to the fibers (Morgellons syndrome) notice them as itchy sores and sensations of crawling bugs under the skin.
- There’s a wide variety of Morgellons types. Some create networks, others create structures.

The red wine test
An easy method to see the microfibers (Morgellons), is the red wine spit test. My friends and I, each tested individually and we all had the same results.
- Fill your mouth with red wine and rinse as if it is a mouth wash for a minute, two at max.
- Spit the wine in a dish or a bowl. You will see black clumps and strings in the wine. These are the microfibers we sought to expose.
- Throw rubbing alcohol on them to see them move, suggesting these things are alive.
Full report with videos here.
Mainstream science denial
Doctors often regard Morgellons patients to suffer from “delusional parasitosis”, basically calling them crazy. They go on to brush off patients saying the fibers growing from the wounds are just textile, yet lab analysis cannot identify the materials.
Such scientists and doctors want to drug and sedate the victims with psycho-therapeutics as we can read in this study. It’s a protocol to silence people and a protocol we see in many other areas.
Scientist Clifford Carnicom presented his findings to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) but they denied his request to research further.
Mainstream science “admission”
A *study from 2018: ‘History of Morgellons disease: from delusion to definition’ admitted Morgellons is a physical disorder and not a mental disorder. Their reasoning goes no further than stating they see something happen that looks like a known spiral-shape bacteria from the spirochete order.
If you look at photos from spirochetes on the internet, you will find none of them resemble what independent Morgellons investigations are documenting.
Another admission we find in a study found on Europe PMC (PubMed Central). Questions like “What are these things made of ?” and “Where are these things coming from?” are not answered, perhaps not even asked. I can’t say because I can’t focus on a paper of scientists that are in my opinion playing dumb.
Mind you you, there’s more than a decade of independent research and an internet riddled with videos and information on this topic IF one wants to find as we will see soon.
* The study has been deleted at the time of writing October 30th, 2022, though it’s on
** I checked again on November 10th, 2022 and the study is up again…
Research from independent scientists
Clifford Carnicom
Clifford Carnicom is the first researcher to extensively research Morgellons, for approximately 20 years. You’ll find tons of information on his website under the menu item ‘research’.
He wrote all his findings down in research papers. Here’s the page with a list of all research papers by date, alternatively you can navigate to the XML sitemap overview of the papers.
Carnicom also has many handwritten notebooks that according to him contain valuable information you won’t find on the website. He did not have the time to process and publish them as articles. He did however scan the notebooks and publish them in HTML and PDF formats.

A selection of articles from
- Morgellons growing from a clipped nail
- Metal testing results
- Time lapse of Morgellons network growing (the GIF above)
- Blood cells in Morgellons structure
- Rainwater metals: microscope view (liquid crystal antenna)
- Aerosol ground samples: microscopic fibers revealed
- Blood Alterations : A Six Part Series
- The Transformation of a Species
A selection of videos from Clifford Carnicom
- Geoengineering & Bioengineering: The Unmistakable Link (Part 1)
- Clifford E Carnicom – Citizen Scientist (Part 1)
- Clifford E Carnicom – Citizen Scientist (Part 2)
- Clifford E Carnicom – Citizen Scientist (Part 3, best one imo)
- Clifford Carnicom with Dr. Gwen Scott (Part 1)
- Clifford Carnicom with Dr. Gwen Scott (Part 2)
- Aerosol Crimes
Carnicom Institute on Substack
Hildegarde Staninger
- Global brain chip and mesogens – Nano Machines For Ultimate Control Of False Memories
- Lab analysis
- Size matters
- Hildegarde Staninger Interview on Out of there TV
Jan Smith
A woman with Morgellons disease who decided to microscope everything that came out of her body. She went ahead trying to connect her findings with the scientific literature concerning nanotechnology and biotechnology.
She’s doesn’t have a scientific degree but she does apply the scientific method.
- Morgellons Synopsis of Specimen
- Bio-insects and Genetic Markers
- Morgellons Disease Plaques, Metallics and Hexagons
- Jan Smith’s Morgellons Videos on
- Jan Smith’s channel on YouTube
She also appeared a few time on the radio shows.
I saved most of her work in the archive below. It’s a .zip file, meaning you can download it as one file, and extract it on your computer (recommended), most of the time by doing ‘Right-click > Extract’, or unzip. You can even unzip it on your smartphone. Google it if it’s not working out.
Morgellons Radio Specials by
Sofia Smallstorm
Sofia Smallstorm was able to provide more context and paint a bigger picture. She gave presentations on conferences, those videos are listed below. Her website is She also has which redirects back to
The Canadian biologist
A biologist who studied Morgellons for 10 years explains his view on how fiber formation happens during live microscopy with Ulf Diestelmann.
In summary his message is, nano dust enters tissues, transforms the tissues, and redirects the transformed tissues into fibers.
His native tongue is French, his English is understandable for me, but not for others. Therefore, I did a commentary so certainly everybody understood what was said.
The most important aspect of solving any problem is to address the cause.
Once the causing factor has been neutralized, the healing can start. You can “heal” now too but that’s like trying to drain a place where a tap is running non stop.
Chemtrails have to stop
Easier said than done however, how many of those involved in these operations knew they were transforming everybody into a cyborg? They have most likely been fed one of these lies.
- You’re chemtrailing to stop global warming and to save the planet.
- You’re chemtrailing to create a shield against electromagnetic attacks.
- We will harm some but save the many.
Hence, by informing the world about this diabolical agenda and by proving it with USB-microscopes and the red wine test, the shift will come that halts these operations. In case the sprayer planes somehow keep flying (drones), the ‘cleaned out’ military will have to take them down.
Cleansing and detoxing
Borax is said to be helpful against the synbio infestations.
When we throw borax on fibers, nothing really happens, however I think borax can be helpful in combating biofilms.
Anti-nano devices
Anti-nano devices are in essence magnetic pulse generators. They were first conceived by Tony Pantalleresco as a DIY project in his garage, who battled with Morgellons, though he would call it an infestation of nanotechnology.
The idea is that magnetic pulses garble the programming of the nanotechnology. The tech gets disorganized and releases its clutches and hooks. On a side note, structures that rely on magnetism to self-assemble would also be affected. The magnetic pulses from such devices blow nano-magnetism out of the water.
Concretely, such devices are copper wires coiled into a geometric shape like a triangle, a bucket and other configurations.
Next, one hooks on a 12V – 20V DC power supply to the copper wires. Often, a laptop charger is used as a power supply.
Finally, a pulse generator is inserted between the power supply and the copper-coiled-construct, something that switches the power on and off, hence creating a pulse. A car flasher relay is often used as a pulse generator.
I built one, but I haven’t done extensive testing with it, so I can’t present proof that they work or not. However, a significant amount of people reported they had positive results. This is all do-it-yourself and at your own risk.
I created an info sheet for those interested in building an anti-nano device, with links to instructional videos. There are also a couple of buying options in the sheet.
The bigger picture
Morgellons are a part of a larger story. I took a stab at telling that story in Transhumanism Agenda Explained.
Do not underestimate the power of these video playlists, which contain a bucket load of information.
- Morgellons – playlist by WT on
- Synthetic Biology – playlist by FM8 on BitChute
- Early synthetic work – playlist by FM8 on BitChute
Pictures galleries
The now decommissioned website, did admirable independent microscope research. The pictures, that are often annotated with explanations in text boxes, are informative.
Realize all pictures are copied from webpages with more written information on those pages. That information isn’t available here, but you can navigate to the links beneath the galleries. links
- morgellons_fibers_in_skin
- morgellons_hair_damage
- morgellons_fibers_in_urine
- morgellons_fibers_in_stool
- morgellons_particles_in_skin
- morgellons_anatomy_of_a_lesion
- morgellons_fibers_in_blood
- live_blood_microscopy
- morgellons_fibers_in_water_supply
- misc_plus_morg_artifacts
- comparison_of_fibers_in_water_hair_urine_and_stool