
11 mins read
An eye-opening short video that covers airplanes dumping chemtrails, the resulting skies, activists confronting geoengineers and neurosurgeon Blaylock explaining the health impacts.
[BitChute backup]


Chemtrails is a contraction of chemical and trails, comparable to the term contrails, a contraction of condensation (water vapor) and trails. Contrails are a natural phenomenon while chemtrails are not.

The term chemtrails originated in the military though now, organized discrediting and disinformation campaigns engineered public opinion to deem anyone coining the term a conspiracy theorist.

Public arena

Establishment media and scientists refer to chemtrails as solar radiation management (SRM) which is a discipline that falls under the umbrella of geoengineering, more specifically atmospheric geoengineering and aerosol injections (spraying). Geoengineering is a study option at Harvard, and in all likelihood other universities.

Other terms in scientific circles include stratospheric aerosol injections, albedo modification, artificial cloud formation, cloud brightening, solar or climate geoengineerging, cloud seeding, global dimming…

The official explanation for chemtrails states it’s a strategy being considered in a desperate attempt to stop global warming by creating artificial clouds using SRM. Sun rays reflected off the artificial clouds would as such not be able to cause a greenhouse warming effect, as do normal clouds.

Unofficially though very visible, a global operation of spraying the skies has been ongoing since 1998.

Plausible deniability

The main method of discrediting the subject is by claiming chemtrails are contrails and by ridiculing concerned people to be conspiracy theorists.

Contrails and chemtrails can easily by differentiated though. A contrail doesn’t last longer than a minute, especially with modern planes which are virtually incapable of producing contrails, while chemtrails span from horizon to horizon, linger, expand, and create a white, toxic looking haze.


Chemtrails have a wide range of applications.

Weather modification

Chemtrails can be used to make it rain, through cloud seeding. Contrarily using a different chemical mix, they can also stop it from raining. While SRM creates artificial clouds to supposedly halt global warming.

Global warming is a hoax that serves as an excuse to rationalize chemtrails and the UN 2030 agenda for sustainable development, which is a resource grab by the super rich under the guise of saving the world through sustainable economies and green communism.

CO2 is not the cause of global warming.
The war on carbon dioxide is just another anti-life agenda.

CO2 is plant food. No CO2, no plants.

Weather warfare & military applications

Stop it from raining can be extended to creating large periods of droughts, capable of pulling whole nations to its knees.

Chemtrails often contain signature metallic nanoparticles like aluminum, barium and strontium. All are harmful to biologic systems.

The metallic particles can serve as electromagnetic conductors for large ground based ionospheric heaters which are basically fields of antennas that beam microwaves into the atmosphere.

As such, the operators are able to create large areas of warm air which can be used to redirect hurricanes or create them.

HAARP antenna field for weather modification.

The HAARP stations can create electromagnetic waves with frequencies that vibrate with tectonic layers.

Effectively, the ground stations bounce the waves off layers in the atmosphere to the site where an earthquake is desired. Independent journalists suspected the Fukushima nuclear meltdown was caused by a man-made earthquake.

Atmospheric metals can also serve as shields to block radar surveillance and directed energy attacks.

For these reasons, the military coined weather warfare ‘a force multiplier’.

Agriculture & flora

Aluminum falls from the skies onto the lands where crops grow. Crops don’t fare too well on the aluminum saturated soil as the pH acidity is thrown off.

Moreover, crops absorb the nanoparticles through the water, via the roots into their leaves eventually, were they reflect sunlight, decreasing their capacity for photosynthesis.

Curiously, there are patents for crops that are resistant to aluminum saturated soils. It’s easy to see then, how chemtrails serve to create agricultural monopolies.

Growing food in the garden or off-grid homesteading becomes increasingly difficult, forcing some to move back to cities which are rapidly evolving into smart prisons.

Stealing the sun

Blocking the sun diminishes solar panel yields causing the profits of gas and electricity industries to increase.

In regard to health, no sunshine means more depression, low energy and low levels of vitamin D. Entire books have been written about the importance of vitamin D for human health.

Dumbing down populations

Aluminum nanoparticles inhaled are able to travel through the nose, into the brain, where they’ll cause Alzheimer’s disease. Aluminum in general causes inflammation where ever it might land in the body.

Anti-life agenda and depopulation

By blocking out the sun, chemtrails are an attack on all life on earth.

Humans need sunlight for vitamin D. Crops need sunlight for photosynthesis or they can’t grow.

The nanometals that end up in our bodies make us more vulnerable to electromagnetic radiation poisoning. Exposure to electromagnetic radiation comes from cell towers, cell phones, laptops, 5G satellites and so on.

Bioengineering, Morgellons & Transhumanism

Bioengineering is about the modification of life forms. Clifford Carnicom used the word bioengineering in his morgellons disease research.

It was his conviction chemtrails were the root cause of morgellons disease. A conviction shared by other independent scientists and by people suffering from the disease.

There are many questions still around these topics and more science needs to happen, with appropriate funds, man power and laboratories. Regardless, it’s clear already that chemtrails and morgellons represent a technological method to force the world population into transhumanism. After all, everybody needs to breathe.

Researchers and activists

Dane Wigington is a long standing activist against geoengineering and hosts the website

Patrick Roddie was a formidable activist. He got evicted from his residency by a dodgy land lord situation and is now off the radar.

Michael J. Murphy produced the documentary ‘What in the world are they spraying‘. It’s a mix of own footage and internet videos so it might not look slick at times. That said, the documentary contains invaluable information. Some time later, he created a well-produced follow-up documentary ‘Why in the world are they spraying‘.

Shortly after, Murphy fell victim to character assassination. His Facebook account got hacked and the hacker started to post outrageous stuff in his name. Michael warned his account was hacked on a few occasions.

Clifford Carnicom was one of the first to notice, document and address the chemtrails issue with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the U.S. The EPA played dumb in regard to chemtrails, and was negligent to investigate Carnicom’s morgellons sample. They sent the sample back.

Carnicom was early to connect morgellons disease to chemtrails, and dedicated his life studying the synthetic biology since then, around 2000, to this day. All his scientific work is available on his website


These scientists tried to rationalize geoengineering in the public arena.

  • David Keith
  • Ken Caldeira
  • Alan Robock


You can find an extensive list of geoengineering and weather modification patents on and There’s some copy-cat action going on.

Documentaries & Videos

Look Up (2020)

Creator: Hibbeler productions.

Look Up on Rokfin.

The Dimming

Creator: Dane Wigington from

Dane Wigington proved chemtrails to be real in his documentary ‘The Dimming’ by flying into one, sampling the air with nano filters and verifying they contained nano sized aluminum and barium under an electron microscope.

Michael J. Murphy’s documentaries

The topic of geoengineering initially got widespread attention thanks to Michael J. Murphy, especially his first documentary. The listing is in chronological order.

What in the world are they spraying?

Why in the world are they spraying?

UNconventional Grey

The UN in capitals is no coincidence, rather it refers to the United Nations (UN).

The unfinished documentary went missing in action in 2016 and resurfaced in August, 2023.

I don’t know if it had any to do with it, but I made a stink about its disappearance a few months earlier.

Geoengineering & Bioengineering – The Unmistakable Link (part 1)

Creator and speaker: Clifford Carnicom, Morgellons researcher.


Creator: Matt Landman.

Military whistleblower Kirsten Meghan

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