Mandatory testing & quarantine camps in New-Zealand

1 min read

All positive cases are forced to stay in quarantine centers from October 2020.

If someone refuses in our facilities to be tested, they have to keep staying. So they won’t be able to leave after 14 days. They’ll stay on for another 14 days

Jacinda Ardern.

Deducing from what Ardern said, it seems that all tests will be done in quarantine centers. One has to wonder what happens if you don’t want to go to the center.

Politicians Ashley Bloomfield & Jacinda Ardern inform the public of mandatory testing & quarantine camps. [BitChute]

1 Comment

  1. Dat tandje staat onder controle van de Jezebel spirit
    Izebel is een geest van manipulatie en vernietiging van relaties en meerdere boze dingen. Over Izebel (ook wel de spirit of Jezebel genoemd), kun je lezen in Openbaring 2:20-23 en haar geschiedenis staat ook in 1 Koningen hoofdstuk 16 t/m 21 en 2 Koningen 9:30-37.

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